Thoughts on a Lazy Saturday

Clark has found his favorite soccer team.


Well  it’s the first Saturday of 2023 and Toritto is  sitting about, having bought in the garbage can  and  picked up the mail.  It’s going to be around 70 degrees here today with low humidity.  Nic e day to sit outside in the sun with a cold one.

Just received a text from Pam:  “Having lunch with my hubby at Cracker Barrel!  He got in the shower for the first time.  We had to wrap his leg in saran wrap to keep the bandages dry.”


Kevin McCarthy finally won the gavel last night, elected to be Speaker of the House after 15 rollcalls and a near fist fight/altercation on the House floor.  A Representative from Alabama lunged at the “never McCarthy” holdout, Matt Gaetz (of Florida, of course) and had to be physically restrained from “Laying hands” upon him.    McCarthy, after the first go-round of the night was in a dead heat with the Democratic minority leader, Hakim Jeffries.


After the hub-bub, broadcast live all over the country, the insurrectionist Republicans finally decided to all vote “present,” lowering the total required for election as Speaker. McCarthy finally succeeded to the gavel with a majority of one vote.

Nothing of value will be coming out of the House for the next two years.  Legislation like a balanced budget amendment and defund the IRS.  How quickly they forget voting for Trump’s massive tax cut for billionaires and their ferocious opposition to a tax increase.  Of course, no right winger supports cuts in military spending.  I guess that just leaves “social programs.”  You know.  Social Security. Medicare. Obama Care.

I guess a useless balanced budget amendment constitutes “fighting for America.”

The GOP can pass anything it wants.  It ain’t ever gonna reach the floor of the Senate or the President’s desk.

The fun time will come during the annual “raise the debt ceiling” nonsense and budget deliberations.  The same Nihilist / Fascist/ Nazi cohort will stand in the way and make McCarthy look like a fool again.  He won’t be able to pass these imperatives without Democratic votes.

You should all know that the ring-leader last night, Matt Gaetz was under investigation by the Justice Department for transporting a 17 year-old girl across state lines for sex.  The Feds have thus far decided not to prosecute due to “credibility” issues of two central witnesses.   Gaetz’s partner in crime, Joel Greenberg, former Tax Collector of Seminole Count, Florida already pleaded guilty to multiple crimes which led to the investigation of Gaetz.

I’m not surprised.  Do you have any doubt that this 40year old Congressman was banging this 17 year old girl.  I don’t.  But hey, we’re dealing with the Justice Department here.

They are really good at prosecuting small fry – you know – like guys assaulting the capital.  Got 950 of those.  One hundred from Florida. 36 from Tampa region.  Five hundred plus convictions.

So when they gonna indict Trump?  HOW MUCH EVIDENCE DO YOU NEED?  I’ll probably be dead and buried.

In addition to the insurrectionists sitting in the Republican ranks (half of whom still won’t admit Trump lost the election) They now have George Santos, liar extraordinaire sitting among their ranks.  It’s OK.  They will take anyone.  Character not necessary.

While having grits for breakfast, the talking heads of the Saturday morning shows began another ten minutes of Harry and Meghan.  These two are beginning to make me yawn.

It was cute and all about love when it first started.  Royal Prince falls for beautiful, bi-racial, divorced actress leading up to a wedding as only the British monarchy can do.

Then the “troubles.”  Did Meghan really think she was going to fit in?  Allowed to be a “celebrity?”  Outshine Williiam and Kate.  Foolish girl.  Did she really think she might not find some racial prejudice, just as she does here?

Ok.  They step back.  Then further away.  to America.  To Los Angeles. They just couldn’t bear the British tabloid press.  They wanted to get away from it all.    From the realities of royal life, the restrictions, spending your lives in the shadow of the future King and Queen.

Apparently however, they are more than willing to make a comfortable living off the media complaining about how miserable it is to be the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

If a Prince really wanted to be left alone by paparazzi He could have easily bought 5,000 acres in Montana and been as alone as he wanted.  One does not move to Los Angeles to escape the media.  They are earning tens of millions selling a story of how miserable they were living in palaces, thus living quite well off of who they are and their relation to the monarchy, not what they do.

Life is so difficult living the life of a Prince and Princess, what with the coldness of the family, security concerns, media always around etc.  Why won’t they just leave us alone?

Yawn.  I’m getting a raise in my social security check this month.

Marie sang at a karaoke bar this week.  Last time I did was in the early ’80s.  The set-up was an office party.  The women got to choose what the men had to sing and vice versa.

This is the song the women chose for me.  Times have sure changed at he office.


Enjoy the weekend.



About toritto

I was born during year four of the reign of Emperor Tiberius Claudius on the outskirts of the empire in Brooklyn. I married my high school sweetheart, the girl I took to the prom and we were together for forty years until her passing in 2004. We had four kids together and buried two together. I had a successful career in Corporate America (never got rich but made a living) and traveled the world. I am currently retired in the Tampa Bay metro area and live alone. One of my daughters is close by and one within a morning’s drive. They call their pops everyday. I try to write poetry (not very well), and about family. Occasionally I will try a historical piece relating to politics. :-)
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4 Responses to Thoughts on a Lazy Saturday

  1. Maggie says:

    I think you coveredmit all, Frank. Our politicians have graduated to the level of three ring circus that’s for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. beetleypete says:

    You are welcome to all of our Royals. Their in-fighting is merely a distraction from the serious issues facing the UK.
    Loverpool is owned by an American sports company, so Clark may have made a good choice. However, as a Londoner, I cannot agree with his choice of a team from North-West England. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Don Ostertag says:

    Another week, more of the same, ust higher and deeper.

    Liked by 1 person

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