Details From the Torture Report – Shame on Us.

Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1969-054-16, Reinhard Heydrich.jpg

From the Huffington Post and the Senate Intelligence Committee Report:

“On Tuesday, the Senate Intelligence Committee released the long-awaited summary of its torture report, revealing horrific details about the CIA’s post-9/11 detention and interrogation program.

Many of the details in the report are sickening and graphic. They are perhaps made only more disturbing by the overarching conclusion that the torture and “enhanced interrogation” employed by the CIA failed to produce the types of significant intelligence that had been used to defend the program in the past.

You can go here to read the unsealed summary of the report, including a section on initial findings and hundreds of pages of declassified documents. Below is a compilation of some of the most abhorrent details from it.”

Detainees were subjected to “rectal feeding,” a process by which food is pumped into the anus…

rectal feeding

[Page 115]

… even when there was no demonstrated medical need for it.


[Page 82]

Detainees were told they would never leave these “black sites” and that their families would be sexually assaulted or murdered.

sexually abused

[Page 4 of findings]

One never did. He died of suspected hypothermia after being tortured at one of the covert facilities.

death in cobalt

[Page 10 of summary]

During an extended period of stress, an interrogator operated a power drill near a detainee.


[Page 69]

Detainees were waterboarded until they turned blue…


[Page 107]

… and were on the verge of drowning.

ksm near drowning

[Page 86]

Forced nudity was regularly used as an interrogation technique.

alshibh nudity

[Page 79]

After this brutal regimen of torture, detainees often gave false information, which the U.S. acted on.

ksm 2

[Page 83]

One detainee, a Saudi Arabian citizen who is still being held at Guantanamo Bay and was one of the first detainees held during the torture program, faced nearly 19 days of nonstop “enhanced interrogation techniques.”


[Page 40]

This included extended periods of isolation and confinement in a coffin-sized box.

abu zubayda interrogation

[Page 42]

At one black site, groups of detainees were regularly stripped, beaten, hooded and bound with tape.


[Page 4 of summary]

Detainees were subjected to seemingly unimaginable periods of sleep deprivation, in conjunction with other forms of torture.

abu jafar al iraqi

[Page 149]

Sleep deprivation often led to disturbing hallucinations.


[Page 16]

Detainees were also refused access to toilets, put in diapers and left hanging by their wrists in cells for extended periods of time.

al najrr

[Page 53]

Others were forced to maintain “stress positions” even on broken limbs and though medical personnel had advised against it.

broken foot

[Page 101]

An interrogator reportedly played Russian roulette with a detainee.

russian roulette

[Page 424]

The CIA detained individuals who did not meet its outlined detention standard, and they were used to extract information from family members. This included at least one “intellectually challenged” individual.

intellectually challenege

I’m 72 years old and I do not recognize my country.  Heinrich Himmler is laughing in his grave and Reinhard  Heydrich would be proud.  Those in the C.I.A who would do this in our name would have made fine members of the S.S.

The United States has lost all claim to moral leadership in the world.

American exceptionalism indeed – on full display.

Shame on us.
















About toritto

I was born during year four of the reign of Emperor Tiberius Claudius on the outskirts of the empire in Brooklyn. I married my high school sweetheart, the girl I took to the prom and we were together for forty years until her passing in 2004. We had four kids together and buried two together. I had a successful career in Corporate America (never got rich but made a living) and traveled the world. I am currently retired in the Tampa Bay metro area and live alone. One of my daughters is close by and one within a morning’s drive. They call their pops everyday. I try to write poetry (not very well), and about family. Occasionally I will try a historical piece relating to politics. :-)
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4 Responses to Details From the Torture Report – Shame on Us.

  1. Unfortunately the CIA used many of these same torture techniques were used in the Reagan sponsored war against El Salvador in the 1980s. Theoretically the CIA operatives were merely training and supervising the Salvadorean torturers. But it was clearly CIA-initiated.


  2. weggieboy says:

    Congress overseas these thugs. Sure!


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