Moment of Perfection – Poem#30 – From the Archives

I don’t recall which day it was
of the thousands I have lived
when I realized that nothing lasts
and what a shame it was
that perfection is for just a moment
before the downward slope begins.

I don’t know when that moment was
when the world was mine
and you were mine
and all would last tomorrow and tomorrow
and  I was at my height

for just a moment, then it passed
unrealized ‘till looking back
that nothing lasts forever

The sun is lower now
the days numbered, the shadows darker
as options fade to become commands;
no longer so distant the flashing red
above the exit door.

“All your problems can be solved
it you will just give up the ghost!
Your arms are sagging flesh
teeth in a glass
Can fantasies still stir the root cellar?
Do you hear the dulcet tones of Gabriel’s trumpet?”

I will not go gentle through the portal
into that good night.
I will warm my face in the September sun smiling
while  searching the memories of all my days
for that moment when all was perfect.



About toritto

I was born during year four of the reign of Emperor Tiberius Claudius on the outskirts of the empire in Brooklyn. I married my high school sweetheart, the girl I took to the prom and we were together for forty years until her passing in 2004. We had four kids together and buried two together. I had a successful career in Corporate America (never got rich but made a living) and traveled the world. I am currently retired in the Tampa Bay metro area and live alone. One of my daughters is close by and one within a morning’s drive. They call their pops everyday. I try to write poetry (not very well), and about family. Occasionally I will try a historical piece relating to politics. :-)
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7 Responses to Moment of Perfection – Poem#30 – From the Archives

  1. Deanne says:

    Wow ❤
    Beautiful Toritto ❤
    Love the song as well


  2. sojourner says:

    Could you possibly write a how to manual for me?;-)


    • toritto says:


      Far be it from me to write a manual! I never wrote a creative word until well after I retired and became a widower. I started posting about family and my life probably because I found it therapeutic. It was also a good way to tell my daughters about my early life.

      I began dabbling in poetry. I don’t know why. I cannot define poetry and was never a reader of poems. I never took a writing class. I think maybe I can write two decent poems a year that others might find enjoyable..

      This particular piece started in 2012 when I turned 70. Parts of it can be read here:

      It was originally published back then at a curated poetry site for unpublished work. Last year I posted it here. I began this new piece with the first few stanzas then grafted parts of the previous work giving the same words new meaning. So one could say this little piece was over two and a half years in the making.

      I find I write best when I write about what I know. Trite but true.

      Regards and thanks for the compliment.


  3. sojourner says:

    Over two decades ago, when I was in my mid forties, my former wife and I went through a very traumatic, three year period. And I found myself, for the first time, writing down my thoughts and feelings in a ‘poetic’ way. But like you, I never was an avid reader of poetry, nor had I, up to that point, ever attempted to write poetry.

    What I found, at the time, was writing in this manner helped me to deal with the pain of what we were going through. It was like finding a way to remain sane, and then clinging to it.

    Over the years since, I have read some of what remains of my writing then, and it was pretty awful.

    Your poetry, on the other hand, is moving and thought provoking for me, and I’m sure for others as well.

    Actually, it was this one stanza I was referring to, when I commented:

    I will not go gentle through the portal
    into that good night.
    I will warm my face in the September sun smiling
    while searching the memories of all my days
    for that moment when all was perfect.”

    Life has been difficult again, recently, and this stanza moved me, but I’m not sure, at the moment, that I can get to this place. Thus the reason for asking you to write a manual.

    Thanks for sharing this with me, Toritto. Keep writing!


  4. Aquileana says:

    Stunning Toritto ⭐ beautifully penned… My favorite stanzas are the second and the last one… You are a joy to read!… All the best to you, Aquileana 😀


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